by Clint Percefull - Children's Minister
We have all been there…the infamous “Where do you want to go eat?” conversation. Inevitably someone will say “I don’t care,” but then veto suggestions. It happens all the time! Why is it so difficult to vocalize what we want? We all have desires but often feel selfish when we ask for them. Is it bad to want things?
Let’s take a look at Mark 10:46-52. Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a sizable crowd. As he exits the city, we meet a man named Bartimaeus. This man was a blind beggar who lived in or around the city. As Bartimaeus hears the crowd he asks what is going on and someone tells him that Jesus is walking by. The blind beggar then begins to shout out to get Jesus’ attention. Some in the crowd shush him and ask him not to bother Jesus. However, there is a sudden change in momentum as Jesus stops walking and calls for the blind man. When Bartimaeus gets to Jesus we see Jesus ask a very simple question.
“What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him.
The blind man said, “Rabbi, I want to see.”
“Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road. (Mark 10:51-52)
A few things to notice here. Jesus’ question was simple and straightforward. He asked what He could do for Bartimaeus. He did not promise He would do it, but asked for Bartimaeus’ desire. What was it he wanted?
Bartimaeus answered Jesus unashamedly and directly, he wanted to see. He expressed his desire to Jesus. He did not demand it be done but stated his desire.
Jesus did heal Bartimaeus but He did not have to. He never promised He would, even in this very exchange. However Jesus did ask and Bartimaeus did respond.
It is not wrong to have wants and desires in life. God wants to bless us and desires for us to have a fruitful life. However, He does not guarantee that these desires will be granted to us. I don’t know about you, but I often feel guilty for expressing my wants and desires to God. Yet, this exchange shows us we can bring these before our Lord and express them. Our plans and ideas may or may not be what is best for us and we can trust that God will steer us in the right direction. Do not be afraid to tell God what you want, don’t expect him to be at your beck and call, but know that he does listen and grants as he sees fit!