by Robin Roady - Children's Ministry Coordinator
Chisholm Kids had a wonderful summer. We made lots of memories together! Summer is out and school is back in session! Our Chisholm Kids Midweek group gained 10 new 1st graders this year! We are so excited for them to join us!
**1st Grade Bible Ceremony will be held at the start of morning worship on September 8th. This is a beautiful tradition in our church where all 1st graders will be given a Bible as they end their time in preschool and start their time in kids ministry. We use our Bibles every single time we meet!
**Kids Worship will start back on September 8th. This will be for 1st-3rd graders. Parents will still need to pick up from Sunday school and families will worship together until Pastor Griff starts his preaching time. A slide will pop up on the screens pointing kids to the Welcome Center where I will meet them and take them upstairs to the Blue Room for our time of worship. We will be studying from God’s Word together and taking up an offering each week. Please send a Bible with your child for Kids Worship. Parents will pick-up immediately following the service. If you are interested in helping a few times a year with Kids Worship, please let me know!
God is moving in Chisholm Preschool, Kids and 56! We are growing! This means we could use more volunteers, especially for ETC (nursery and preschool during Sunday morning worship). If you feel God is leading you to help in some way in our kids ministry, please contact me or Bridgette. We’d love to see where you would feel most comfortable in serving. There is a place for everyone to serve at CHBC!
Serving Christ Together,