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Chisholm Kids On Mission

by Robin Roady - Children's Ministry Coordinator

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Over the past year, I have spent a lot of time talking to our Chisholm Kids about missions and giving to others. We have utilized a portion of the curriculum “Kids on Mission” to learn about missionaries all over the world. We have spent each week praying over these missionaries. During VBS, we learned more about our own CHBC Missionaries, Rob & Laura Flaherty, and collected money to send with them to Kenya as they start their missionary journey. Chisholm Kids spent the summer with another CHBC Missionary, Emily Shelton, and also sent her to Zambia with a love offering from our kids. We are looking forward to having Emily join us from Africa later in the month via a FaceTime call so we can catch up on all she has been doing in Zambia.

It is crucial that we teach our children about giving to others. Our world teaches our kids to keep their eyes on themselves and do what makes them happy, but Jesus tells us to keep our eyes on things above, not on earthly things. Giving to others is a vital part of our Christian faith and something we need to teach our children about from a very young age. Jesus gave His life for us, the least we can do is show His love and sacrifice to other’s by giving and by sharing the gospel.

Chisholm Kids currently has a missions opportunity where we are collecting new or gently used suitcases or duffle bags to give to Canadian County foster care parents. The foster parents will use these bags when they pick up new foster children and also when the children leave their home. What a great way to help families who have been called to foster care as they care for kids in need. This mission project is going on through the month of October. Please send a suitcase or bag with your child on Sundays or Wednesdays. Also, we are now starting to collect items for our Joyous Christmas families. This is another great way for our Chisholm Kids to give back to those in need. Our kids are responsible for collecting the following items: toilet paper (6 pack), jelly (no glass), canned tuna or chicken, canned chili and crackers. Chisholm 56 kids are responsible for collecting glass cleaner. All items can be taken to the Welcome Center.

Parents! Please take these opportunities to talk with your children about giving to others and about how we can be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in Mustang, OK. These items listed above are so simple to send with your children yet can make a huge impact on their lives as they learn what it means when Jesus says “it is better to give then to receive”.

Let’s serve Christ together!

Robin Roady

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