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Dear Church Member,

Oh dear people, how I have prayed for you these past few days. So many things have happened, and they have happened quickly. I wanted to send you a note to let you know some of the ways your church is responding in this day and how they might affect you. More information will come, but consider these things right now.

Wanting to comply as much as possible with our president’s directive that requests us not to gather in groups of more than 10 people, we are encouraging the people of Chisholm Heights Baptist Church to say home on Sunday and watch our service via Livestream. You can access the feed here. The service will be broadcast at 11:00 am. Maybe you will want to invite another family to join you as we worship together! In light of this, there will be no Sunday School during this season. We plan on keeping this format through April 5th.

In addition, we invite you to join us on Livestream this Wednesday night at 6:00 pm. We will be sharing with our congregation how to make use of some of the digital tools available to us to stay informed and how to connect with one another. Again, you can access the live feed here.

Of course, other aspects of our church life will be affected, and we will be informing you of those very soon. However, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the church office at (405) 376-4531, and we’ll do our best to give you the information you require.

Might I also ask that you let us know what you need. We want to be your church in these days, and if there is something we might be able to do, please let us know. We will do our best to minister during this difficult time.

Finally, continue to seek the Lord in this day, my friends! He is at work in some great ways. I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of those on Sunday! More than ever, it is a joy to be your pastor!

Bro. Dave

Chisholm Heights Baptist Church 2243 W. Hwy 152 Mustang, OK 73064

(405) 376-4531 (office) (405) 820-2125 (cell)

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