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Five Keys to Giving Thanks

by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister

Now that Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner most of our minds have gone to thinking about football, those last minute shopping trips, having a long weekend with family and food!  Hopefully we know that there is so much more to Thanksgiving that just this list. This is one of the most distinctive holidays we, as Americans, celebrate.  It does not commemorate a battle or anyone’s birthday.  It is simply a day set aside for us to give thanks for all the things God has done for us.

Psalm 100 is called “A Psalm of Thanksgiving”.  It is an invitation to join together to acknowledge the great things God has done for us. If you search scripture you will find the word “thanks” over 150 times.  36 of those references are found in the Psalms. In this 100th Psalm we find 5 key words that describe the very essence of thanksgiving.


“JOY” is the first.  It is a feeling of good cheer. We are to be a “joyful” person, excited about all that God is doing in our lives.


Then we have “GLADNESS”. We are to come before the Lord with GLADNESS. 


“DEPENDENCE” is our third word and it is found in the 3rd verse of Psalm 100. Our hope our faith our dependence should be totally in the Lord. After all it is “He who made us and not we ourselves.” 


Then we have the word “SHEPHERD.” He needs to lead us and care for us. God created us and because of that we should be thankful.


Our final word is “GRATITUDE.”  We say, “God is good all the time and all the time God is good!” So our praise and thanksgiving should be just like this.  We should be in a constant mindset of praise.


This Thanksgiving take the time to remind your family how much we have to be

thankful for!



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