by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister
It is Monday morning and things are hoppin’ around CHBC. Last night (Sunday) we were blessed by a 70 voice youth choir from First Baptist Church in Keller, Texas. This morning (Monday) the hallways around the church were filled with high school students loading up to head to OBU in Shawnee for a week we know as “Super Summer.” Chris and some of his leadership team are already at OBU getting things in place for what we pray will be a life-changing experience for our student leaders. The one thing we need to do right now is to pray for Chris and his leadership team for our students and Robin and her leadership team for our children. They will come back to CHBC for a short rest and then head out to CrossTimbers for Children’s camp. In a few more weeks, there will be Falls Creek for our students and then return home at the end of the summer just in time to get ready for “back-to-school” activities. Fortunately, these folks are YOUNG and they will recover very quickly.
The point is this we are busy getting people discipled, trained and encouraged to get about our Father’s business. We need to be careful that we do not get too busy that we forget our purpose of being here. Griff has come on board as our Interim Pastor to work along side Jon as they continue to lead our congregation in worship.
Many others are playing important roles by playing their instruments, leading out on our Praise Teams, or filling their roles in the sound booth. So you can see, it really is a TEAM effort. What we want to know is where do you want to be plugged in and fill a position that God wants you to fill? Please do not wait to be asked, just jump right in and volunteer and see how God will bless you.
Are you ready to make the move from our auditorium to our temporary place of worship (formerly known as the GYM)? Well ,the time has come to put things in place to make this move. We will be putting up staging this week – just in time for our Father’s Day breakfast – and then we will move forward expecting to be there for a temporary time. This can be an exciting time for our church as we anticipate moving into a beautiful place of worship by the end of the year.
God is indeed at work! Let’s praise Him!