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Missions: An update From the Flahertys

From Rob and Laura Flaherty

As we move toward the end of the year and reach toward our World Missions giving goal $70,000. I want to share with you an update from our own church members that are in Richmond, Virginia now preparing to move the Africa to work with the International Mission Board. Your generous gifts go directly to families just like this, taking the gospel to the utter most parts of the world.


Well, the family and I are officially halfway through FPO ( Field Personnel Orientation). We are so thankful for our Church and wanted to share some small snapshots of what your support has allowed us to do. I wish we could tell you everything we are doing, but know we go hard for Jesus daily.

The last few weeks have been exhausting, fun, and blessed. We have been learning about the six core missionary tasks. These tasks are entry, evangelism, healthy church formation, discipleship, leadership development, and exit strategy.

We learned how to enter and evangelize an area. Then we surveyed/mapped a city in Richmond, found “tribes” of people, nodes for evangelism and ministry, and shared the Gospel many times. Our team used the three-circles method while in Richmond. Our FPO led eight people to faith and now has them working with a local church. Praise God! We also have been studying access points and how to cross cultures with care.

We have spent hours studying discipleship. We have learned many methods, and we all must teach/preach in large and small groups using the 3/3 model. We have also learned the 411 method of disciple-making, which I would love to teach you. It answers four questions on one sheet of paper in one hour. Your testimony is essential to discipleship, and we have learned how to share ours in 15 seconds, 3 minutes, and 15 minutes.

Starting our first week, we began learning the Bible's Metanarrative (creation, fall, redemption, restoration). This is not a “Creation to Christ” evangelism method. This is an in-depth look at the plan of salvation for all people and the redemption of God. We will verbally give a 15-20 min presentation and show how God unfolds His plan this next week. This has been an incredible study but very challenging.

Ben and Sam have been involved in and love the children's program here. They have made friends quickly with both young and old and we are blessed to see their adaptability in transition.

Please pray for us. Specifically for endurance, focus, and strength as we grind here. I know the Lord leads us to impossible battles so He can be our warrior, and the lost will know His name. It is such a blessing to serve a mighty God through our wonderful church!

Blessings and love,

The Flaherty’s

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