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New Challenges Ahead

by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister

There was a time when one of my greatest challenges was keeping my hair from blowing in the wind, but times have changed! There was a time running up four flights of stairs to see a church member in the hospital (and be able to talk to them) was no problem, but times have changed. There was a time when staying up all weekend at a student related event was FUN, but times have changed! Times are changing even here at CHBC. I am not just talking about personnel changes or building changes or even changes in scheduling, but we are looking at some changes in what is going on in the spiritual lives of our church family. Spiritual growth brings on new challenges.

In the O.T. book of Judges we read about a guy named Samson. Here we have a man who had many ups and downs. His life was filled with successes and failures, but in each case Samson met the challenges head-on. There is at least one basic truth that applies to all of us as we face the challenges ahead: “Stepping out for God opens us up to NEW challenges.”

There are some fundamental things we need to do. One is the establishment of a COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with Jesus. Most of us have done that but there are some who have never dealt with the sin in their lives. The next question deals with our FAITH FAMILY - our church. Where will I invest my life in serving the Lord. Our fundamentals should include the incorporation of BIBLICAL TRUTH in our lives. Things like obedience in tithing, Sunday School attendance and evangelism. These “fundamentals” are the rudder that guides our ship through the challenges of our lives.

Many people have set out on an exciting trip only to get discouraged and fail. But this is going to happen! The way to deal with our failures is to fail “toward God.” Our failures and our successes belong to God and are part of His sovereign plan for our development. Just recognize them for what they are and don’t allow failure to stop us in our tracks.

Our future is full of success and failure, just remember these things come and go, but God lasts forever. Join your staff as we meet the challenges head on and let God be glorified in our future. In the book of James we read this: “Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” (James 1:22)

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