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by Bro Dave Bryan - Senior Pastor

As many of you know, I announced my retirement last Sunday. Here’s a copy of what I read. Be listening in the days ahead as church leadership recommends the future path for the church. We love you, CHBC!

Dearest Family of Chisholm Heights Baptist Church,

Yes, this is ‘that’ letter. Today I am announcing my retirement and will be stepping down as your Senior Pastor on Sunday morning, April 23rd.

Now, with that bit of information finally out in the open, Karen and I have the chance to tell you what an honor and privilege it has been to journey with you these many years. You called us to be your pastor when we were in our mid-thirties and our children were in elementary school. You took a chance on us, encouraged us, loved us, and followed us. We will share more in the weeks to come, but for now we simply want you to know how deeply you are loved by the Bryan family; please know that our greatest desire is to see you experience the complete will of God for your lives.

Which is why we’re having this conversation right now. There are great days ahead for CHBC; we are convinced of this with all our hearts. Chisholm Heights is a healthy church. Finances are solid, relationships are strong, and the vision of reaching our community is clear. You have assembled a strong staff that are primed to lead and serve in the days ahead. And, in our Lord’s great timing, we also know that He will bring another to lead you into those great days. As Karen and I have prayed over this, we have heard Him say clearly and plainly that the time has come for Bro. Dave’s picture to find another place on your history wall that another of His choosing might take it’s place.

As for Karen and I? Well, we’re ‘frightfully excited’ about this new season in our lives. Family time, travel, new projects in the workshop, and the possibility of some new ministry opportunities are all things we are looking forward to. We are anticipating a new day of serving the Lord and look forward to experiencing the stories we will tell in the days ahead.

For now, the opportunity to focus up is next Sunday night, March 26th. At 5:30 pm that evening, I’m asking the Deacon Body to meet with me at the home of Jeff Kimes to give them an opportunity to consider how the Lord wants them to lead in the days ahead. At 6:00 pm, while the deacons are meeting, I’m asking the rest of the church family to gather for prayer in the sanctuary. Jon Duncan and Chris Watkins will lead in a time of focused prayer and worship that seeks God’s guidance and wisdom for all involved. Other meetings and discussion will flow out of these moments.

Finally, as we have said all along, we love you, and we will use the days before us to communicate that. And for a while longer, we get to tell you that it is a joy to be your pastor!

Bro. Dave and Karen

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