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Send Me?

by Jeff Kimes - Executive Pastor

Is. 6:8 And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.”

We are approaching the end of the year (yes we are just 3 months away from the end of the year.) We will start focusing more intently on our world missions giving. The missions committee has set our goal at $70,000 this year and we have collected $21,000 so far.

On October 8th during the morning service, will be our Parade of Flags. This year will be very special for our church because we have Emily Shelton serving in Zambia and her mother will carry the Zambian flag. Rob and Laura Flaherty will be carrying the Kenyan flag and we will be sending them off to serve with International Mission Board for the next 4 years.

As I walked around the room last Sunday night, I listened to the groups discuss the questionnaire that was filled out. I heard things like, our church needs to reach out to our community, we need to do some door to door visitation, and we need some evangelism training. It was exciting to hear the people of CHBC realizing a need and then talking about how to meet that need. I heard one member say we always talk about these things but we never do anything about it. That was a truth bomb that hits home. What are you willing to do for the gospel?

God may not be calling you to the other side of the world but He is calling you to the other side of the street or to the house next door.

Are you willing to GIVE to the spread the gospel message? Are you willing to PRAY for the lost to receive the gospel? Are you willing to GO to share the gospel?

In Isaiah 6 we read about Isaiah being called to be a prophet of God. He was not a perfect man, he was not the most educated man, he was a sinful man but he was also a willing man. He was willing to be used by God to accomplish the task that God had put

before him.

There are people out there that need to hear about Jesus, and God wants to use you to reach them. God is asking “Whom shall I send and who will go for us”. Are YOU willing to say “Here I am! Send ME?"

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