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The Importance of Encouragement

by Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister

From time to time, we all NEED to be encouraged! From time to time, we all need to be an ENCOURAGER. The Greek word for “encourage” may be translated as comfort, console, entreat, implore or even challenge. So, to encourage someone is to comfort them or to challenge them with the word of God in such a way that the person is motivated to lead the Christian life and to continue in the work of the Lord.

To encourage is to be an instrument of grace. It works out of compassion and love for another person. When we take the time to encourage another person we are doing a good thing!

There are many encouragers in the Word of God, but one guy stands out more than others and his name is Joseph, but we know him better as Barnabus. In Acts 4:36 we discover that he is the “Son of Encouragement.” He helped the needy saints. His acts went beyond encouragement to showing MERCY. In other words, he practiced what he preached.

Imagine what could happen if we had a church full of encouragers! The Apostle Paul was able to go out and preach and to write 13 letters because a guy took the time to be an encourager. If we are honest we all need to be encouraged from time to time! It is amazing how a simple word or even a hug or just a pat on the back can turn a dreary day into a bright day for someone. When was the last time you told your S.S. teacher they really blessed you? Have you stopped by the pre-school or nursery areas to thank those who serve out there for their time and energy?

There are times when we all need encouragement, but there are times when we all need to be an encourager.


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