By: Dr. Dave Bryan
It is described in many ways. Inspired. Inerrant. Infallible. Authority. Relevant. It is precious to us. It is critical for us. It is our companion, our friend. It comforts us in times of trouble and convicts us in times of failure. It is the mainstay of our faith, the heart of our understanding of truth and practice. It is the Word of God. And our relationship to Jesus is possible because of it.
No, the Bible does not secure our salvation. That can only be found in the name of Jesus, in His work on the Cross. But it is the conduit by which we hear the truth and respond to the truth by calling upon the name of the Lord. And once our salvation journey has begun, God teaches us, encourages us, and challenges us as we strive to follow Christ. Without the Word of God, we would be left to the testimony of rocks to understand the truth of God. Oh Lord, thank you. Thank you for such a wonderful and precious gift you have given us!
This Sunday during our Morning Worship service, we will continue a very special tradition within our church family. Every 1st grader will get their own copy of the Word of God. We want to make sure even younger members have access to God’s message. As they begin to learn to read, we pray that the words of inspired Scripture might be some of the very first words they hide within their hearts!
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.
Looking forward to our day, folks. It is a joy to be your pastor!
Bro. Dave