by Jeff Kimes - Executive Pastor
It is hard to believe that summer is almost over and school will be starting soon. Where has the time gone?
Some great things are coming up in the near future. Here is a list of our fall Bible studies and ministry opportunities:
Tuesday’s @ 9 am
Women's Bible study "God of Covenant" (starting Sept 6) led by Myrna Holloway in the Multi-Purpose Room
Wednesday’s @ 5:00 – 6:00 pm
Fellowship Meal starting August 24
Wednesday’s @ 6:00 pm
Adult Bible study led by Rusty Stowe in the Multipurpose Room
GriefShare led by Mary Scott and Janie Scott in room 117F
Wednesday’s @ 6:30 pm
Men’s Bible study “The Truth Project” led by John Gassen in room 117D
Women’s Bible study “Women of the Bible” led by Whitney Gassen in room 119A
Choir Practice in the choir room
Women’s Bible Study “Isaiah” (starting August 24) led by Glenda Kimes in room 119B
Kids Connect in the Children’s building
Wednesday’s @ 6:45 pm
Student Midweek in the Student Center
Sunday’s @ 6:00 pm
Evening Worship in the Worship Center
Women’s Bible study “Matchless” (starting Sept 11) led by Lana Coppock in room 119B
As you can see, there are a lot of great things going on. To join any of these groups just show up at the meeting time and the leader will be happy to get you plugged in. If you have any questions do not hesitate to call the church office (405-376-4531).
God Bless,
Jeff Kimes