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Well Done!

Dr. Dave Bryan - Senior Pastor

There are certain things we hear that bring us joy. Consider the small, quiet sound a jigsaw puzzle piece makes as it snaps in place. How about the sound of a golf ball dropping into the cup? Is there anything better than the sound of full bore baby laugh? And when we hear the wedding couple say ‘I do!,” our hearts are blessed by their simple expression of love. Yes, certain things, certain words give meaning and perspective to so many other things in our life.

One day, Jesus told a parable about servants that had been given a responsibility. Some did well, one did not. For all that story might teach us, I would draw your attention to one small bit of dialogue. While addressing the servants that had fulfilled their responsibility, that had shown their obedience, the Master says, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We can talk about rewards, jewels in our crown, and other blessings that will accompany meeting our Savior face to face, but without a doubt, the most anticipated moment a believer will face will face will be to hear our Master say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” That’s a sound I want to hear!

With that in mind, let me tell you about a faithful servant we have in our midst. His name is Don Francen. For years, he has served his Lord faithfully throughout the pulpit and podium. Pastor, Sunday school teacher, deacon, and in so many other ways, throughout the years, Don has faithfully served his Savior in whatever capacity presented itself. For the past 25+ years, he has served as a men’s Sunday school teacher in one of our senior adult departments. This Sunday, Don stepped down from that position, and he does so with our great appreciation and gratitude for a job ‘well done.’ However, the day was not done before Don shared with me that he would like to serve on our Evangelism Ministry Team and continue to follow Christ in His service. Well done, indeed!

How fortunate we are as a church family to have faithful folk like Don Francen that make such as difference. We are grateful to Don, but most importantly, we are grateful to the Lord for equipping each of us to serve in His Kingdom. Might we each hear those precious words when we stand before Him. ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’

It’s a joy to be your pastor!

Bro. Dave

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