Reflecting on my relationship with my dad a bit, I’m reminded of the old sitcom “Father Knows Best.” Not always in the show did he know best, but it always came back that he indeed had some sage words for the occasion.
It got me thinking of some of the sage words from my dad over the years: “No matter where you go, there you are.” (I think he picked that up from another show he was watching…) “If you score more runs / points / goals, you’ll win the game.” And its counterpart for baseball or softball, “If you win or tie every inning, you’ll win the game.” I have used both of these!
When a kick-off or a punt was about to happen, Dad would say, “Watch! He’s going to run for a touchdown!” And then when he was tackled no where near the goal line, Dad would follow up with “Well, he ran for a touchdown! He just didn’t make it!”
One of his favorites that he had told even to his grandkids: “Whatever you do, don’t embarrass me!” This one kept me out of a lot of trouble! “No matter where you go, no matter what you’re doing, someone is watching you.” “If I let you quit piano lessons, you’ll wish to high heaven I hadn’t let you.”
Eventually, as a 12 or 13 year old, he indeed let me quit lessons and those words have come to haunt me. As a music major in college, I’ve had more than one piano professor share with me that had I not quit back in junior high…and their voice would trail off in reflection of my lost potential.
This past Saturday, we were able to host a Regional competition for the state Keyboard Festival sponsored by OBU. As we hosted almost 40 students, I enjoyed getting to interact with these young players and their parents. And I shared with several my story of how I still “wish to high heaven” that my dad had not let me quit, along with an encouragement to the parents to keep their musical children on the piano bench!
David writes in Psalms 33:2 Praise the LORD with the harp; make music to him on the ten-stringed lyre. 3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (emphasis mine)
Playing the piano skillfully requires hard work and a lot of preparation, especially early on. Sadly, there’s no shortcuts to this level of foundation. Yes, some get it easier and quicker than others. But for those who stick with it, they’re going to enjoy the blessings of music and of being able to minister to the body of Christ in a more comfortable and skillful fashion for the rest of their lives.
Listening to these boys and girls, young men and young women play hymns and spiritual songs last Saturday, I dreamed of the way they might be used in their service to God to facilitate His worship in the future. And I smiled. I can’t help but think that God was smiling, too.
Because He Lives! - David