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It has been a while since I have written an article, but we will give it a go.

Sunday night we had a teachers meeting and we got to be reminded of why we do Sunday school. It is our primary source of discipleship, outreach, and care in our church. What I mean by that is once someone is connected to a group, they are more likely to grow spiritually. The individual does evolve but it is easier when they have some people to help them along.

We also use Sunday school as an outreach program; When we invite people to come, they might like the worship or the preaching, but honestly, what really makes them come back is the fact that they are connected to other believers. We can use this as outreach because people long to be connected. As for our attendance list, a thought was brought up Sunday night: maybe we use the attendance list as a way to see who wasn’t there, we contact them, or at the very least pray for them. A simple “hey we missed you!” might be all that person needs, and who knows the benefits.

As for the care of a local group, in the church office we find out more about people who need care from their Sunday school classes than any other way. Lastly, when it comes to discipleship, we get a chance to connect to the Father in a very teachable way and it allows us to put what we learn into action.

I guess what I am saying is how blessed we are that we do a Sunday morning small group that points to Jesus? May we own it and claim it to be something we are proud of. May we also make it the best that we can.

If you are not part of a small group or Sunday school class, we encourage you to check one out!

- Pup

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