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Growing and Pruning

by Robin Roady - Children's Ministry Coordinator

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

Spring is here. The trees are leafing out, the flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is turning green and the sun is shining. In my house, this means it’s time for Brad to start working in the yard. He starts preparing the garden, he plants colorful flowers and our plants are pruned back to make way for new growth. As many of you know, Brad is a landscaper. He loves this time of year when he helps his mom and my parents prune back their trees because he knows what is to come. I always stand back and panic watching all the brown limbs fall to the ground anxious that the branches are too short, but Brad knows what he is doing. He knows that by pruning back the trees it makes way for beautiful new growth to take place over the spring.  

This time of year makes me think about this verse in John. Jesus tells us He is the vine, and we are the branches. If we stay attached to the vine (Jesus), we will bear much fruit. Jesus makes it very clear that apart from Him we can do nothing. How can we stay attached to the vine? We maintain a close relationship with Jesus. A few ways we can do this is by reading His Word on a daily basis, spend time talking with Him each day and coming to church and being with other believers and serving in the church. We must allow the Holy Spirit to prune the branches of our lives and in return our lives will bloom with beauty in Jesus. We will bear fruit of peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control. People will see Jesus in us.

We can do nothing apart from Jesus. We need Jesus to prune our lives in order to bloom in Him. We need to understand that we are nothing without Him.

This spring, be mindful of how the Holy Spirit is pruning your life and be obedient to His calling. I promise, in the end you will bloom a beautiful life rooted in Christ.



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