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How Are You at Waiting?

By - Rusty Stowe - Senior Adult Minister

How do you spell “patience” in your life? Are you a fairly patient person?  I like to believe I am, after all I worked as a High School football official for many years.  I got to know a lot of coaches on the sidelines week after week. I needed a lot of patience with some of them!


But how about you?  Have you ever made a doctor’s appointment for 10:00 a.m. only to find yourself in the waiting room after 12:30 p.m.? Are you a patient person?


If you are trying to move from the east side of Mustang to the west side of town at 5:00 p.m., any day, do you find yourself to be a patient person? Sometimes our patience is not as strong as others.   Sometimes we find ourselves in God’s “waiting room” while He is working on us.  If so, do not feel alone! God has asked many people to WAIT for Him to make the next move.  Moses herded sheep on the backside of the desert for 40 years before God returned him to leadership. Paul cooled his heels in prison for 7 years before God let him begin his ministry.


Right now, as a church, God is telling us to “WAIT” upon Him to do a marvelous work. Waiting is one way God builds character in His people. We are waiting for God to provide the right man to come and lead us into the future.  We are waiting for the right man to come on board and direct our music ministry. The thing we must do is to WAIT and see what God is going to do. Our search committee is patiently waiting for God’s leadership, so we can encourage them along the way by praying for them.


Never imagine for a moment that God has forgotten about us. This just might be a time when He needs to get our attention.  It is imperative that we cast ourselves on Him and trust Him in every way possible.


See ya Sunday,


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