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Humbled: dr. dave bryan

In his book Humility, Andrew Murray makes the case that pride (the loss of humility), is the root of every sin and evil. He points the reader to Philippians 2:8 and reminds us that it was our Lord’s willingness to humble Himself that led Him to the cross and hence to author our salvation.

He reflects that we must bear this stamp of our salvation and that without it we are denied what Christ would have for us. He says, “Without this [humility] there can be no true abiding in God’s presence, or experience of His favor and the power of His Spirit; without this there is no abiding faith, or love or joy or strength. Humility is the only soil in which the graces root; the lack of humility is the sufficient explanation of every defect and failure.”

Dear saints, we have much ahead of us these days. Together we shall consider and participate in many things that come with being this church family. Some of those things will include the calling of a new staff member as well as joining together with our resources to provide some upgrades throughout our building.

In addition, we will work together in the possible adjustment of our worship schedule and we shall also be challenged with a special evangelism event this summer. There might be a new format for a mission experience this year as well as new camp experiences in some of our age group ministries. These, along with so many other moments await us as a congregation.

Quite simply, I am excited about these days. And I state with confidence that as we consider the path before us, our prayers will be a reflection of the truth contained in Andrew Murray’s teaching. These days are not about us; they are all about Him, His glory, His honor, and His power. As we look ahead to these kinds of exciting and inspiring moments, let us continue to seek Him and His abiding presence in our lives.

More than ever, it is a joy to be your pastor!

- Bro. Dave

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